
Client-side Processing

Client-side processing indicates that the action happening is on the user’s (otherwise known as the client) computer. For example, a person’s web browser (like Chrome) is on the client-side but the website is not. [1]

Malicious User

Malicious user is a user that intends to do harm. Usually this is a “trusted” user such as an employee, contractor, or intern. A malicious attacker would compromise malicious users and hackers. Definitions may vary on who is included as a “user” however the constant is that the person intends to do harm. [2]

Penetration Test

Penetration test is a simulated cyber-attack against one’s network to identify vulnerabilities and then correct the vulnerability to harden the network/system. These tests can be performed by internal IT staff or contracted out to a company that specializes in these tests. [3]


Plaintext refers to a word or words that are plain English. Plaintext is the message that is to be encrypted or the one that is revealed by decrypted an encrypted message. [4]


Sanitize may have multiple meanings such as sanitize a hard drive is eliminating data on it. In the context of the lesson, to sanitize means the data conforms to security-related requirements regarding the leaking or exposure of sensitive data or elimination of unwanted characters from the input by means of removing, replacing, encoding, or escaping the characters. [5]


Syntax are commands or words that when grouped together, in a correct order, form an request for a program to do something such as ‘GO to your seat and SIT down’. GO and SIT are like syntax commands that tell something to do something. [6]