Challenge 1 Explanation: Attention to Details

Being able to analyze network traffic is a very valuable skill for a cybersecurity specialist. Analyzing traffic can allow a cyber-defender to identify what a malicious user is doing and what endpoint he or she is connected to. Also, if a computer network is infected with a malicious program, analyzing network traffic can help find the infected computers. In this challenge, we analyzed the network traffic of a user visiting a webpage with a flag on it.

First, open the file in WireshakPortable by double-clicking on the “WiresharkPortable.exe” file included in the CTFA “Programs” folder.

If presented with a warning, like the one below, click “Yes.”

Explanation Screenshot 1

Now click on “File” in the upper right couner of the Wireshark application and select “Open.” Now navigate to where you saved the “FollowTheLeader.pcap” file and select it.

Explanation Screenshot 2
Explanation Screenshot 1

Now that the file is open, we can search for the flag. Since we know the flag was on a webpage, we can start by looking through the “HTTP” packets. Viewing the second “HTTP” packet shows us the html data, which contains the flag.

Explanation Screenshot 1

To read this data easier, right-click the packet and hover over “Follow” and select “TCP stream”.

Explanation Screenshot 1

Now we can easily see the flag and it is in an HTTP packet; therefore, the answer to question 1 is “HTTP”.

Explanation Screenshot 1

As seem in the above screenshot, the flag is “ctfa{terrific_traffic}”.